

Zurkhaneh is house of strength, joy of effort, generosity and chivalries spirit, love of country and combined with art and literature. Zurkhaneh is a sport of values. This sport with the thousands years of history has played a great role in empowering the mental and physical health aspects of the people. Zurkhaneh Sports is a cultural heritage and good resource for Sports for All. Zurkhaneh Sports presence in international fields was welcomed by all Countries. Indeed, many countries are boosted from a social as well as humanitarian perspective. By proclaiming IZSF events, many countries have acknowledged just tidy influential role of Zurkhaneh sports that can play in a country’s social, well-being and cultural development.
Zurkhaneh sports have the factors issued to health (Muscular ability, muscular endurance, respiratory and heart endurance, flexibility and body composition) and physical ability and skills (Speed, alacrity, strength, action speed, equilibrium and coordination). 
IZSF has been established on 11th October in National Olympic and Paralympic, Tehran- I.R. Iran in 2004 with the support of I.R. Iran Physical Education Organization, National Olympic and Paralympic Committee, TAFISA, with the presidency of Prof. Urgen Palm and representatives from 22 countries of the world.
IZSF now has representatives in 5 Continents of the world, and IZSF is trying to develop the Sport, Culture and health by organizing the training course all over the world. IZSF is now accessible to all individuals, children, youth, and adults in the respective age. IZSF is registered in Switzerland by number and in Tehran by 22959 number. IZSF is member of TAFISA, and some other International Sport – Culture Organizations.
Its headquarters  in Tehran IR .IRAN). The Constitution and its ensuing Regulations, the Olympic charter and its fundamental principles.
Consequently, IZSF’s parties and the participants agree to respect and have respected the following Rules in the framework of Championships and competitions:


A. Dignity
1.  Safeguarding the dignity of the human person is a fundamental requirement of Olympism and associative life.
2.  There will be no discrimination between participants based on race, sex, ethnicity, religion, philosophical or political opinion, family status or any other reason.
3.  No prejudicial practice against the physical or intellectual integrity of a participant will be tolerated. All doping procedures are absolutely forbidden, at all levels. The directions laid down in the worldwide anti-doping campaign from the WADA and the Olympic movement will be scrupulously observed.
4.  Physical, moral, professional and sexual harassment against participants, officials and staff is forbidden.
5.  Organizers guarantee participants, wrestlers and officials safe conditions, wellbeing in their accommodation which comply with the conditions in the Schedule of Conditions, as well as medical care which is favourable both physically and morally.

B. Integrity
1.   The IZSF parties or their representatives must not, whether directly or indirectly, solicit, accept or suggest any payment, commission or any other benefit, or occult service, under any form, in relation to the organization of the Championship.
2.  Only presents with very small value, complying with local custom, may be offered or
accepted as a token of appreciation or friendship by the IZSF parties.
3.  Hospitality given to staff and the IZSF parties as well as to their escorts must not exceed the standards of the host country.
4.  The IZSF parties will avoid conflicts of interest between the organization to which they belong and any other IZSF organization. If a conflict of interests arises, or appears likely, the concerned parties must warn the IZSF Executive Committee which will take the necessary measures.
5. The IZSF parties must fulfil their missions diligently and carefully. They will refrain from behaviour which could harm the reputation of the IZSF.
6. The IZSF parties must not be bound to companies or people whose activities are or could be incompatible with the principles laid down in the Constitution, the IZSF Regulations and this Code.
7. The IZSF Bureau members or the National Federations must not give or accept proxies for the vote.

C. Resources
1.  Resources belonging to the IZSF can only be used for the sport of wrestling and associated disciplines.
2.  Revenue and expenses belonging to the IZSF parties must be published in their accounting books in compliance with the Rules. They will be the subject of an audit undertaken by an independent account.
3.  The IZSF parties recognize the importance of the contribution to the development and the influence of World and Continental Championships in the world through the broadcasters, sponsors, partners and other support provided to sporting events. However, their behavior must always be compatible with the Wrestling Rules and the principles laid down in the IZSF Constitution and Regulations and this code. They must not interfere with the running of sporting institutions. The organization and running of Championships are matters for only IZSF.

D. Candidatures
National Federations which are candidates for organising a Championship will scrupulously respect the requirements specified in the Organisation Regulations and the Schedule of Conditions published by the IZSF. National Federations which wish to obtain the organisation of a Championship must refrain from entrusting the organisation to a third party with the aim of receiving financial or political advantage as such behaviour does not comply with the Organisation Regulations and the Schedule of Conditions.

E. Relations with States
1.  IZSF parties will endeavour to have harmonious relationships with State bodies in
compliance with the principle of universality and policy of neutrality of the Championships. Moreover, the spirit of humanity, fraternity and respect of the individual which inspired the sporting movement requires that governments of countries where Championships are to be held commit their country to scrupulously respecting the IZSF Constitution, Organisation Regulations, Schedule of Charges and this code.
2.  IZSF parties are free to participate in the public life of the state to which they belong. They cannot however carry out an activity or identify with an ideology which goes against the principles and rules defined in the Constitution or in this Code.
3. IZSF parties will take care to protect the environment during all the events which they
organise. They are bound to respect the general standards recognised in the field of
environment protection in the framework of the Championships.

F. Confidentiality
IZSF parties will not divulge confidential information to which they are privileged. Disclosing information must not give rise to profit or personal gain, nor must it be done with a view to harm the reputation of a person or an organisation.

G. Implementation
1. All the IZSF parties will take care to apply the principles and Rules defined in the IZSF Constitution and Regulations and in this Code.
2. The IZSF parties will refer to the Ethics Commission for any breach of this Code.
3. The Ethics Commission will present an annual report to the IZSF President and ExecutiveCommittee on the application of this Code. It will mention breaches of its Rules. It will make suggestions to the IZSF Executive Committee concerning sanctions which could be levied against those who breach the Rules.
4. The Ethics Commission will be able to clarify the implementation of this Code by explanatory texts.
IZSF Code of Ethics
Read and approved,
Surname, Name…………………………………………………………….

Updated May 2010

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